Yum!volunteers and You Dao Qingpu center children celebrated September Birthday Party together

On the morning of September 13 volunteers from Yum! came to You Dao’s Qingpu Center for a special day – a September birthday party for all the migrant children!
All the volunteers jumped into the party decorations as they soon arrived, and then the fun began.
We started with the children talking about previous birthday parties, but it turned out that some had never had one because their parents were too busy at work. Some of the children didn’t even know their birthdays. With the help of the volunteers all the children wrote down their names and their birth dates, and then formed a circle in order of the dates. For the first time they learned how old each of them was. The Yum! volunteers took pictures with each group of children born in the same month.
And then of course came the cakes! Three of our little birthday stars including one Yum! volunteers made wishes and blew out the candles, while everyone sang Happy Birthday for the children who may not have had too many happy birthdays before. A happy dance from the children and more smiles and laughter brought the day to a close. More than one of the children said they had never had such delicious cake before, and that they couldn’t wait for their next party!